Environmental headlines

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Global warming will hurt migratory birds

Global warming will hurt migratory birds Global warming will hurt migratory birds mongabay.com May 7, 2007 84 percent of migratory birds have the potential to be affected by climate change…

Global warming is killing coral reefs

Global warming is killing coral reefs Global warming is killing coral reefs Rhett A. Butler, mongabay.com May 7, 2007 A new study provides further evidence that climate change is adversely…

Ecosystems are capital assets argues report

Ecosystems are capital assets argues report Ecosystems are capital assets argues report mongabay.com May 7, 2007 Global ecosystems should be treated as capital assets argues a new report released today…

Cost of stabilizing climate 0.1% per year

Cost of stabilizing climate much less than claimed Cost of stabilizing climate 0.1% per year mongabay.com May 4, 2007 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its long awaiting…

Madagascar’ forests are recovering

Madagascar's forests are recovering due to social institutions Madagascar's forests are recovering wildmadagascar.org May 2, 2007 Some of Madagascar's most biologically rich forests appear to be recovering according to research…

Global warming killed Neanderthals in Spain

Global warming killed Neanderthals in Spain Global warming killed Neanderthals in Spain mongabay.com April 30, 2007 New research fingers climate change, not humans, as the culprit for the extinction of…