Environmental headlines

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EPA finds CO2 a danger to public health

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday ruled that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases "may endanger public health or welfare", a finding that opens to door to future regulation…

Rainforest pillage continues in Madagascar

Gangs of illegal rosewood loggers continue to pillage the wildlife-rich forests of northeastern Madagascar, reports a local source. "More and more people are entering the [protected area] to cut wood,"…

New lichen named after Obama

A California researcher has named a new species of lichen after President Barack Obama. Kerry Knudsen from the University of California-Riverside (UCR) named the lichen Caloplaca obamae. "I discovered the…

New Australian dolphin spits at food

Only recognized as a new species in 2005, the snubfin dolphin has been observed spitting jet streams of water at schools of fish. Spitting at the fish helps the dolphins…